Products > Tapes & Flashings
Tapes and Flashings
Using the correct sheathing tape and flashing on a job is crucial to maintaining a perfectly sealed water barrier. Multiple varieties and sizes of tapes and flashing are available and exclusive to ALTA®, all of which provide excellent protection.

Maintaining a water tight barrier
To ensure that the application of housewrap remains water-tight and to prevent any leakage, tapes and flashings must be used to ensure a proper seal. Our available tapes and flashings are a great fit for a job of any size to ensure all seams and windows are sealed.
Sheathing Tape
Using proper sheathing tape will ensure all edges of your housewrap are well sealed for a seamless application. We offer IPG sheathing tape to efficiently seal out moisture at the seams. IPG sheathing tape is tear, moisture and UV resistant.
Available in 48mm and 72mm rolls.
NovaFlash SA Ultra
NovaFlash window and door flashing prevent the intrusion of water and moisture in and around window and door frames. It self-seals around nails and staples, preventing air infiltration while remaining highly tear and puncture-resistant.
Available in 4″, 6″, 9″, and 12″ roll sizes.
Cantech Tuck Tape 505
Cantech 505 tape provides maximum protection against water penetration around window and door frames. This tape is made of multilayer UV protected film with a bond adhesive to ensure an excellent tack to surfaces with strong holding power.
Available in 4″, 6″, 9″, and 12″ roll sizes.
Let Us Help You Choose The Correct Product for Your Application.
As a builder of residential and commercial buildings in Charleston, SC, we are faced with seasonal rains, high temperatures, high humidity and heavy air conditioning use during the long summer months… When we stick frame a new house in the Low Country we look for several features in our Moisture Barrier… With the unique vertical diamond surface of the Alta Drainable house wrap, the moisture behind the siding is allowed to drain and dissipate providing a more breathable construction. The Alta product is one more element in our battle against the elements and is our house wrap of choice.
~ Jim Sloggatt – President – Gateway Park Enterprises, LLC